We all can freely decide if we want to do sports or not, so long as we’re medically able to. So how is it possible that gender stereotypes limit us in sports or in choosing the sport we want to play?
Research shows that the self-confidence of girls tends to drop by 30% between the ages of 8 and 14. Beyond that, girls quit sports twice as fast as boys. More than half of all girls quit sports before reaching 17.
Seven out of ten girls who quit sports at puberty stated they felt like they did not fit in to the sport or that society would not encourage them in playing sports. And 43% of girls admitted that they do not have the same variety of sports available to them as boys.
The stated reasons for quitting sports girls were, for example, that sweating is non-feminine, or they were afraid to get too muscular.
Moreover, competitiveness is supported much more among boys than girls. Gender stereotypes are one of the toughest obstacles restricting girls from sports.
This problem does not concern girls alone. Why are boys laughed at when they want to be dancers, gymnasts, or figure skaters?
Sport is great for our health. Besides that, it helps us in building trust in our own skills, encourages our endurance, fairness, ability to work together on a team, know our limits, accept victory, accept defeat, and get on our feet again. These abilities and skills transfer to our everyday adult lives.
Not all of us have to do sports professionally to get the medical advantages and enjoyment. Sports are mainly the celebration of the abilities of our body. Be encouraged to move with joy regardless of muscles, pounds, or age!